Swedish Noir – Hilda Lindström

During the swedish artist travels abroad Lindström often receive questions why Sweden that is such an exotic, unexplored paradise Sehnsuchtsland (a country to long for), has multiple famous crime writers? How is it possible that the amazing country in the north including a welfare state has the most twisted and screwed literature on the market?

As a contast of the international cliché of Sweden, (the country with the red cottages, the natureromantic environment, the polite, decent and beautiful swedes) the crime novels are portraying a threathen welfare society that is about to fall in pieces. The main characters in the novels are everything but perfect. Often depicted odd charchters with relationproblems and fighting with everyday life issues. Internationally this genre is named Les polars suedois, Schwedenkrimis and Swedish Noir.

For the moment it is unclear in which direction the evolution of swedish literature is going.

Swedish Noir is a series of prints and embrodieries where Lindström is exploring the crime novels importance for Sweden. What has made such an impact from the books? Why is the dark illusion of Sweden so attractive? Where comes the readers fascination from? Could there be a need for swedes to show themselfes in another light? Lindström is using a metaphorical language inspired by the books. From 151 novels the artist has made a selection to portray.